martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Wednesday, April 1st

Goooooood morning! Did you know that today is April Fool's day? This is a day in the UK where people play jokes on other people and prank them! Today we are going to read a text about this holiday and then answer some questions about it.

1. Has your country got a similar celebration?

2. What is your favourite practical joke?

3. Do you think making these jokes is fun?

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

Monday, 30th of April

Good morning everyone! Today's english session is going to be more relaxed, as I want you to have fun practicing the irregular verbs in the past through three different games. Down below are links to three different games through which we can practice remembering these verbs:

  • Wheel game : stop the wheel and land on a verb. When you get your word, try to guess the simple past form!                                            

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Friday, 27th of March

Good morning everyone! For today’s class, we are going to do some grammar exercises based on the theory that we have already seen. If you need help, remember you can always use your pupil’s book for unit 6.

Here are the activities for today :

Good luck!

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Wednesday, 25th of March

Good morning! Today we're  going to start to learn about irregular verbs. If you didn't know, irregular verbs are those that don't behave the same way as normal verbs when transformed to the past simple.

For example :

We know that if we want to transform "dance" to past simple we would say "danced" (dance+ed)

However, irregular verbs do not behave this way. If we think about "eat", we can't say "eated". The correct transformation would be "eat"→ "ate"

You can watch the following video to make it easier

When you finish try to convert these verbs to past simple (you can use the internet, but try to guess!)

Eat→ Ate






viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Monday, 23rd of March

Good morning everyone , today we're going to start the lesson by reading the following story on page 55 of the pupil's book :

After reading you are going to answe the following questions in the comments below, or write them in your notebook and send a picture of them to

Good luck!

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Friday, 20th of March

Good morning everyone! Today we're going to present the vocabulary of unit 6. As it happens, unit 6 is about helping people. In the world that we live in at the moment, helping people is one of the most important things we can do with our time.

The only thing you will have to do today is to fill out this google questionnaire and see how many you can guess right. You can send me a picture of your score at :

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Protección de datos IMPORTANTE

¡Buenos días! He visto que muchos de vosotros estáis escribiendo vuestros comentarios poniendo únicamente vuestro nombre y por ello os felicito. Sin embargo aún hay muchos comentarios donde vuestro apellido aparece y desafortunadamente os los tengo que borrar. No os preocupeís porque guardaré vuestros trabajos y los tendré en cuenta.

Lo único que a partir de ahora TODOS los trabajos me los vais a mandar a este correo :

o bien

A partir de ahora necesito que no utilicéis los comentarios como herramienta. Mejor hacer los ejercicios en el cuaderno y enviarme una foto de vuestro trabajo. 

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Wednesday, 18th of March

Good morning everyone! Yesterday was St. Patrick's day in case you didn't know 😉. Today we will watch a video about St. Patrick and then read some information about him. Lastly, you will answer some questions about St. Patrick in the comments section.

1. Watch the video

2. Read the story

St. Patrick’s Day is on March 17th. It is a celebration honoring the memory of Saint Patrick, who is very important in Ireland.

Legend has it that St. Patrick was taken to Ireland as a young boy. He escaped years later and became a priest. He went back to Ireland to teach people about what he’d learned.

To celebrate the holiday, people now wear green, which is one of the colors on Ireland’s flag. People also wear shamrocks, or clovers, to celebrate the holiday. You might eat green foods like cabbage, brussel sprouts, or cupcakes with green frosting.

3. Answer the following  questions:

a.) When is St. Patrick’s day?
b) Where was St. Patrick taken as a young boy?
c) What color do you have to wear on St. Patrick’s day?
d) What colors are the Irish flag?

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

Monday, 16th of March

¡Buenos días a todos! (esto lo escribo en español por si alguien le está costando entender las instrucciones). Sólo quiero recordaros que para contestar a los ejercicios que os vaya poniendo en el blog, simplemente tenéis que pinchar en “comentarios” y ahí podéis escribir vuestras respuestas. Además os quería recordar que sólo pusieseis vuestros nombres en vuestra respuesta para saber quien sois. No hace falta que pongáis apellidos. Dicho esto comenzamos con la sesión.

Good morning to everyone! For today’s class, we will review the vocabulary that we studied for unit 5. In order to do the activity you have to write your response in the comments below. Just click on “comments” and write your answers to each of the questions.

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

Friday, 13th of March

Good morning everyone! From now on, class will be online. In today's lesson, you will have to do this grammar activity, accessing it through the following link:

If you have problems with verbs and their transformation, here is an irregular verbs list to help you.

If you ever have any questions you can e-mail me at :