viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Monday, 1st of June

Good morning! Today we are going to read about what these children did during their camping trip (you can find it on page 71). When you finish please answer the questions below :

1. What were their favourite places in Yorkshire?

2. Which activities did they enjoy doing?

3. How did they travel?

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Friday, 29th of May

Good morning! Today we are going to keep on practicing the "going to" structure that we have seen last class. However, given that it is the last day of the week, we are going to play some grammar games so that you can learn while you have fun!

Game 1 : here you have to order the phrases with the "going to stuctures". See how many you can get right!

Game 2 : here you can view different explanations and play some games.

Game 3 : here you have to choose which of the two phrases is the correct answer.

Please note that you must use your computer, tablet or phone to play these games.

Have fun!

martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

Wednesday, 27th ofMay

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to learn about the grammatical portion of this unit. This time we are learning about the form of : "going to + verb"

We use "going to" when we talk about things that we will do in the future. For example :

I am going to watch a movie

Notice that "going to" is always followed by a verb. In this case it was "watch".

Here is a table with some common uses of "going to" :

Also keep in mind that before the "going to" we have to add the subject + correct form of "to be".

Once you have finished reading this, it's time to carry out the follwing exercise :

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

Monday, 25th of May

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to carry out a reading comprehension activity. Once you finish reading please complete question number 5. Good luck!

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

Friday, 22nd of May

Good morning! As we have just started to learn about the vocabulary, we are going to do a couple of exercises to practice and get an even better grasp on it. If you want you can do these exercises in your activity book. They are located in the first page of Unit 7. Here they are :

When you finish be sure to send me an email with your work.

Good luck!

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Wednesday, 20th of May

Good morning everyone! Today we are finally going to start Unit 7 : A camping trip

Now, to begin the unit, I am going to present the basic vocabulary to you :

  • Waterproof jacket

  • Blanket

  • Sleeping bag

  • Tent

  • Torch

  • First aid kit

  • Towel

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

  • Penknife

  • Map and compass

Once you have finished learning the new vocabulary I would like you to write it in your notebook and draw a picture of each item of clothing, the same as we have done in class many times.

Good luck!

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Monday, 18th of May

Good morning everyone! Thank you for sending me your food menus. In case you haven't noticed we are very close to finishing unit 6, which means that soon we will begin with unit 7, the final unit in the book. For this reason, this session will be dedicated towards practicing the main contents through these exercises. These exercises can be found in the activity book, in case you would like to do them there :

Good luck!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Friday, 8th of May

Good morning! Do you remember that the other day I asked you to watch a video about healthy food? Well , the project that we are going to do is the following : you will have to design a menu that is healthy and make little drawings of food next to them. Here is an example :

You have to include :
  • 6 menus like in the picture
  • A Starter (primero), a main (segundo) and dessert (postre)
  • picture of a food next to each menu

This project can be done on paper or in microsoft word, you can choose how you want to do it. You will have until Wednesday, 13th of May to make it. If you have any questions you can always e-mail me.

Good luck everyone and keep working hard! 😊

martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Wednesday, 6th of May

Good morning! For today, the only thing I would like you to do is to watch the following  video about healthy food. Tomorrow, after we have all seen the video we are going to start working on  a little project that you will have various days to do.

For now let's watch the video!